- 当highcharts需要绘制的点超过1000个点的时候会提示以下错误:
Highcharts error #12: www.highcharts.com/errors/12
打开页面之后,官方对错误的解释和描述是这样的:Highcharts Error #12Highcharts expects point configuration to be numbers or arrays in turbo modeThis error occurs if the series.data option contains object configurations and the number of points exceeds the turboThreshold. It can be fixed by either setting the turboThreshold option to a higher value, or changing your point configurations to numbers or arrays. See turboThreshold.
Highcharts 错误12Highcharts 期望 点 的设置是数字或者数组,在加速模式中。这个错误的产生一般是序列的数据选项中包含的对象也就是点的个数超过了turboThreshold(加速临界值)造成的。可以通过两种办法来修复,一是将turboThreshold(加速临界值)设置大一点的数字,或者是把点的数据格式改为数字或者数据。请参照turboThreshold选项。
plotOptions: { series: { stacking: '', turboThreshold:200000,//添加这一句,如果设置为0,则取消此项检查 point: { events: { } } }, spline: { lineWidth: 2, marker: { enabled: false, states: { hover: { enabled: true, radius: 2.5 } } }, shadow: false } },